Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Results are in, sort of

Yesterday, I received the results from my X-Rays and routine blood test. I was partially relieved that the waiting game for 2/3 of the tests was over, and frustrated beyond belief at the results.

According to the X-Rays on my hands and wrists, RD not progressing. So, in that portion of my body, I am stable.

My routine blood tests show my C-Reactive and Sed Rate are slightly elevated. Nothing major, they have been worse. I noticed I was borderline anemic. I have been fighting anemia since my back surgery two years ago. 

So. Does all this mean my pain is in my head? That there is nothing happening with my body? I feel like something is getting worse, and it is NOT fun or nice at all. I am holding out hope that the final test (I think Vectra® DA) will hold answers.

My knuckles are screaming at me to stop typing. I guess it is time for me to invest in voice recognition software. Sadly, it only works with the computer, not with my love of writing in a journal or drawing.

I am constantly on the verge of tears from the pain. I was able to get sleep last night, because I took a night time OTC pain medicine. I was asleep by 8 PM if not earlier. That was after I had washed some dishes, folded and hung some laundry, worked on Homecoming Mums, went to the craft store to get a few additional items for said mums, and picked up two of my children from school. I haven't been able to walk my 30 minutes a day in over a week. I am SO done. 

Today, I was able to finish one mum and make two others. I have a fourth that needs a little more attention. Hopefully I can do that tonight. Plus, tonight, I need to work on two shirts for tomorrow's Homecoming Pep Rally. And just an extra shirt for my youngest.

I also discovered about 30 minutes ago, that I am pushing my luck walking up and down the stairs. My hips, knees and feet get pretty angry. Sometimes they give me silent pain, other times, I can feel/hear the joints grinding with each step.

UGH. I am at the point where I just want to give up on the treatment, since it hasn't been 100% helpful. 

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