Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Stelara Shot Number 3

It took approximately one month before my psoriasis started flaring again, but nothing terribly bad. My new rheum doctor refilled my Methotrexate and the application mechanisms, told me to do my normal dose, but stop two weeks before and two weeks after my surgery (which was two weeks ago.)

The two doses of Methotrexate did not help at all with the impending flare, sadly. So, it was steroid creams twice daily until I saw my dermatologist for my third dose of Stelara.

That visit happened to be on Monday. I received my shot, and by the next morning, the flare on my chest and face were 90% clear. My underarms and groin area, they reduced in redness/itching by 50%. My ears improved about 75%. All in all, I can say that the Stelara is working for the psoriasis. I can also say that my joint pain is minimal, except for my hands, knees, and hips. Occasionally, my neck and lower back will chime in with their own pain, but nothing I cannot handle. 

I see my rheum for the third time in January. May need to discuss the Methotrexate usage, because I don't feel a benefit when I am taking it.

Thanks for reading,
