Thursday, September 3, 2015

I am so done with hormones....

I just can't seem to win lately. Now that the stress is mainly managed, I am mildly confused as to why my Fatigue is starting to tip the scale once again.

I look at my daily medication list and everything is there including my B-Complex, Vit D with Calcium, and Iron. 

So, I took a deep breath and decided to check one other critical situation that affects my Rheumatoid Disease. I clicked on the "My Calendar" application on my phone, and the answer nearly slapped my face. Ovulation time. 

I have been "allergic" to my monthly cycle since it started. PMS (or PMDD as some like to call it now) runs rampant with me. Then, when I was finally able to get pregnant, I was toxemic with the first two pregnancies. The third, my body wanted him to come out 6 months early :(. He was the one that kicked my RD into high gear.

I asked my doctor if getting a full hysterectomy would ease my flares. She said it might, however, with the synthetic estrogen I would have to take, my chances of getting cancer would increase exponentially. And being there is a history of various cancers in my family (both sides) it is not recommended. 

*sigh* So here I sit, at 0900, wishing I had a way to keep my eyes open. My breathing has already slowed to what I would do if I were sleeping. Even my muscles are weak. 

Oh, and my medicines seem to have worn off already. I had a lot of relief yesterday after Orencia, but today, the portion of my body from my neck to my fingers is very irritable. 

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