Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Stelara - First Injection

First, the steroid injections I received a couple weeks ago worked wonders. The inflammation on my scalp subsided and allowed the shampoo & solution to do their jobs. It also reduced the size of my swollen lymph node. It is still swollen, but probably 1/10 the size it was.

Second, I received my initial dose of Stelara on 18 Aug 17. The sting from the medicine and the steroid shots in my head are probably tied for pain intensity. The tech that delivered the dose into my arm massaged the medicine into the muscle so it didn't remain as a knot. Which, I think was probably the best thing that could have been done, because when the prescribing information states there may be injection site soreness, they weren't kidding. Saturday, my arm was sore.

Third, Stelara packs a punch. Since I have begun treatment for Rheumatoid Disease, I have not had a side effect from the medicines. I expected the worst from Methotrexate, and felt maybe a little fatigue, but nothing like others in my support system had reported. Sulfasalozine, Cimzia, Orencia, Enbrel, and Humira: I still had no side effects. Then comes Stelara. By the afternoon, I had the medicine fatigue. You know, the loopy head fatigue. When I slept that night, I was in a DEEP sleep, drooling and all. I figured Saturday would be better, especially since we got out and did a few errands. *shakes head* We got home and I barely made it to the couch before I feel into a deep sleep. Thankfully, by Saturday night, I was good.

Last, Does it work? I have seen a difference already. Not immediately on my scalp, except the plaques are looser. However, the other areas where I have psoriasis (chest, underarms, groin, lower back) are now about 5% of what they were last week. As for the Rheumatoid Disease, time will only tell if it is working. Weather fronts going through the area give any medicine a run for it's money.

Next injection is in three weeks. I will keep you updated.

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