Wednesday, May 3, 2017

3 May 17 -- Thoughts and Venting

Good morning. 

As most of us know, life with Rheumatoid Disease is a roller coaster, to say the least. Sometimes, when my upward climb seems to continue for more days than I am accustomed, I fear the trip downward, a lot. Why? Because I do not know if it is going to be a straight free fall, a loop, a slight down with a spiral, a cork screw, or any other combination. 

So, where am I today?

I think I am somewhere between a long free fall, going into a cork screw. All my joints are begging for some sort of relief, and my muscles feel very weak. The muscular weakness could be from my severe fatigue or from Fibromyalgia, which rears its ugly head when RD flares.

A couple reasons for my recent flare/free fall:

  • I didn't do my Methotrexate shot on Monday
  • Storms are on the horizons, so the pressure is changing
  • Stress
  • Not sleeping well
Sleep did not want to visit last night, my nerve endings felt electrified, so I used my doTerra Lavender Touch and rolled the oil down my legs, on my wrist pulse points, on the back of my neck and along my lower back. That helped calm me enough to doze off now and again.

I try to take things in stride. But sometimes, my stride seems to turn into a limp and I succumb to stress. A few things weighing on my mind: Oldest son moved into his first apartment, trying to get a loan approved on a house, daughter high school graduation, and youngest stressed about moving. I am proud of my oldest, I just hope that his roommates keep up their end of the agreement. So far, everything is going well with the loan, but I won't be happy until we are at the title company with my hubby signing papers.

The storms are unavoidable. Especially living in "Tornado Alley." We are expecting some severe ones to the East of use today, but that does not mean the pressure won't change where we are when the cold front moves through the area. When it goes through a large fluctuation, it feel like nails or ice picks jabbing into my joints. 

Methotrexate... I just could not do that this week. The thought if filling the syringe make me nauseated. One time, I almost gagged at the thought. It is really odd for me to have that reaction, because never, since I began taking the medication, have I had those problems with methotrexate. Just weird dreams.

So, today, I rest as much as possible, drink some water, and diffuse some essential oils.

<3 *HUGS*

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