Friday, June 16, 2017

how am I feeling today

Have you missed me as much as I have missed getting things off my chest about these diseases?

Today, on a scale of 1-10 (where 10 is the worst pain I could have), I am at a solid 6 over all. Now, if we want to go through each joint area and get a reading, I would have to say my hands are at an 8, followed by my lower back, which is hovering around a 7.5.

It will probably be a while before I get back down to a 4 over all, if not lower. I think I may have had a couple weeks this year where I was at a 1, and couldn't figure out if I was dreaming or awake.

As for my psoriasis. It really hates stress. Even though I have been able to calm myself, and not get too mentally stressed, I think the physical stress is taking its toll on me. My scalp and ears are not happy at all. The worst part, I end up waking in the middle of the night only to find out I have been pulling the skin scales off my head & ears. That really does not make for happy skin. Hopefully, once we are completely done with the move, I will get back to "normal" and my skin will reflect it.

Then, the fatigue. Sometimes, it is REALLY bad. I have come to a point where I need to have water and something to munch on while I am driving, because it doesn't matter how much sleep I had or what time of the day it is, I find keeping my eyes open a big chore. It is kind of good in the house, because I will get up and do something, ANYTHING, just to not fall asleep. My brain is still going about 100 MPH, but my body gets into sleep mode, and I am done.

I also need to find my oil supplements. I get them from doTerra. They help a lot with my inflammation and just helping me feel better on a daily basis. Some are recommended to do 4 times per day, however I do them twice. They are like that because each capsule has jut the right amount of herb/supplement in it to be absorbed by the body over a short period of time. Whereas most vitamins give you the entire daily dose at once, and we can't absorb it, so it is flushed through our systems and we get rid of it. Kind of a waste, if you ask me.

Anyway, back to how I am feeling today. I am feeling a bit more pain than I would care to feel, fatigue is a bear to manage, and I am probably going to scratch off 3-4 layers of skin today because of the stupid psoriasis. On a positive note, however, I have baby birds in a nest by my back door, and the momma bird is teaching them to fly. My cats are being sweet and loving on me every now and again (when they are not sleeping or watching the birds). The new house is beautiful, as well as our view, and I woke up today. 

Thank you for taking time from your day to read this. Hopefully, once things calm down here, I may be able to do more blogging, either personal or educational.

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