Saturday, May 13, 2017

Walk to Cure Arthritis Day - 13 May 17

Today was the Walk to Cure Arthritis even in Plano, TX. I convinced my husband, daughter and youngest son to walk with me. My oldest had to work. The team raised almost 1/2 of my goal of $1000. 


So, The entire week prior to today, was non-stop. I had no less than 8000 steps each day, and for the most part, I was away from the house doing something for the upcoming closing on our house or my daughter's graduation. My joints were not happy and my fatigue was horrible. But I promised myself that I would walk regardless how I felt.

The weather was kind of mean, too. Of course, living in Texas, the pressure can change at the drop of a dime. So, let's just add that crazy pain. 

I was about to give in, then woke up this morning and everything was back to feeling manageable.

We got to the event and signed in and received the vouchers for our shirts. As we walked a bit, we found the fruit and snack table. Thankfully it was there, because all four of us had forgotten to eat or grab anything for breakfast. I remembered the water, and a couple snack items, but nothing that would sustain us.

There was a 1 mile and a 5K course. Everyone lined up at the Start/Finish line. The route began the same for both courses. So, we began walking. About 20 minutes later, after turning a corner, we were wondering when the mile route was going to turn around or cut back through the park. A young man on a bike advised we were supposed to turn around instead of turn right, but because there wasn't a volunteer there to advise us, everyone kept walking. 

This was my view for most of the walk:

I am so thankful they were with me. This was after we made it to the first mile mark of the 5K. And, even though we were in it for the long haul, and my hips began screaming at me, I had a smile on my face:

We did make it back to the park. I think it was a 45 min walk.

We chatted with other walkers. Many walking for Juvenal Arthritis. My heart sinks when I see how young these children are, and knowing what they go through. I watch them walk, and know if they can do it, so can I.

I am not sure which school had their volleyball teams cheering for us, but it was so inspirational. It also let me feel what people felt when I cheered them on at their races in the past. When you hear that "you can do it" it recharges you somehow.

At the end of the race, we all grabbed bananas, granola bars, and chips to rejuvenate our bodies before we headed home. Then, we collected our even T-shirts.

All-in-all, it was a wonderful morning. Exhausting, but wonderful. I am so happy that I was able to be part of such an amazing event.

Oh, yeah, our end of walk selfie - in the truck, ready to go home:

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