Thursday, April 27, 2017

Long time no post...

One and one half years since I last posted. A lot has happened. 

Enbrel was working wonderfully for my RA, but I started developing a weird reaction after I gave the shot to myself. My leg would swell for three - four days. So, I started giving it in my stomach along with the Methotrexate. Alternating every week. That was better, but there is only so much realty on my abdomen. 

This past January, I finally saw the dermatologist about my psoriasis. He confirmed that every patch I had was "inverse psoriasis". Basically, in places where people do not normally get it. Face, underarms, chest, ears, and scalp edge. 

This brought up an issue. Enbrel wasn't working for the psoriasis. He wanted me to go on Taltz, however it does not help with RA, so my rheumatologist said no. They both agreed on Humira. The middle of May will mark three months and I have noticed a HUGE improvement with my psoriasis. Although my RA pain is still an issue, as is the fatigue, my blood work has come back normal, for the inflammation markers.

I have been trying to exercise on a more regular basis. Walking is good, on the good days. On the days that my hips or knees feel like giving out on me, I go to one of the local stores, grab a cart, and walk around, window shopping. I aim for at LEAST 6000 steps a day.

This week, I decided to change it up a little and make use of my wide open living room. I go to YouTube and find exercise videos. The first was country line dances, the second was a cardio workout by BodyProject, and today was dance moves by Fitness Marshall. Every joint is screaming at me, and NSAIDs are my friend, but I feel like I accomplished something. Tomorrow may be a break, though.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my update. I will try to get better. I want to educate and let ya'll know you are not alone.

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